nursing raptors back to health. raptors, as in, some of the most majestic birds on the planet. hawks, owls.. and eagles. it is run entirely by volunteers. and tonight, we're sharing the story
of a love bird, who was saved by a group of people who love. birds. [nats=opens door to van][takes cage and walks..etc. he was found just down the way six months ago. on the edge of the end.
an emaciated adolescent owl about to leave behind a girlfriend. 135200 great horned owls typically will mate for life. so hopefully his mate is still here and they can reconnect. a wide-eyed romeo. 135345 and juliets waiting in
the woods. lovebirds, that wouldn't stand a chance if it weren't for a gang of people who love. birds. people like ann 141140 this is peanut and ruth 141526 this is peabody pam 142800 this is ruby.
and sandy. 142056 this is mr. jefferson. just a handful of more than one hundred volunteers who make soarin' hawk fly. who rescue and feed and nurse hurt birds back to life. and then set them free.... 144000 we started the first year
rehabbing only 20 birds now we're over 200 birds a year. they come in from all over the place.. a non-profit that shows so much promise, its reputation draws deseperate birds from ohio, michigan and illinois.
144047 so we get calls from the sheriff's dept , animal control , veterinarians.. all kinds of places like that that people will contact and bring the bird and it's all done on a featherweight budget of just 25
grand a year. 144252 so we'll have birds that just have a mild concussion that are here two days and some that are here a year or so. but some of them will never leave.. they can't, because of a bad eye.
141209 it would be hard for him to triangulate where the prey is. bad eyes. 142907 we have to put her food right next to her feet so she can feel it. no sight
141637 i mean.. (waves hand in front of owl) that doesn't bother her. or arthritic wings. 142151 he can't fly mre that 3- 4 feet off the ground so he'll never be able to hunt on his own. these birds will never go home,
but they are the star of the show. 144150 last year we did over 100 presentations. to school kids and donors, reminding everyone of what's at stake. and asking people to well,, give a hoot.
135635 so today we're going to open the door and let him fly back home.. thank you very much. go ahead so birds like romeo.. [nats=trying to get him out] so birds like romeo. 135654 come on. do you want to go home? come
on. come on. so birds like romeo.. there we go.. [flys off] can find their juliets [nats - he's going straight to the woods] and fly. [nats he knows where he's going
] if you want to do something to help, donate time or food or anything else, you can find a link on our website at and then watch tonight on nightcast at 11. because those love birds
desperately need to expand. we'll show you what they have planned and how you can help make it happen.