hey welcome back its adam vape lovelychannel doing a video today couple of videos for virgin vapor e juice whichis one of the best and oldest be juice suppliers on the planet they've beenaround for quite a while they have totally organic e-juice and organicliquids though the best each uses for organics in my opinion the most cleanthey don't have any artificial garbage it straight up natural and organicflavors with propylene very very little if any propylene glycol and primarilyvegetable glycerin i'm gonna do the organic plum crazy first i'm doing to onthis video organic plum crazy juice by virgin vaporshake it up a little bit but some
atomizer amazing amazing vapor production thatbad as the reason you getting a lot of vegetable glycerin in the juice verynatural stuff virgin vapor e juice plumb crazy i've got plums coming out of my ears right now verytasty very clean very potent flavor virgin vapor is very unique in that theydon't have any artificial colors artificial flavors its all-natural allorganic and you're going to taste the difference when you order virgin papertrust me when they get to you in the mail open them up let the bottles steep forabout 24 hours at least but that means
you shake them up open the bottle up let the air headedand just let it sit for at least a day or two open and then come back close the topshake it up vapor way you're going to love it it'sit's nothing like you've tried before if you haven't tried virgin paper it's adifferent kind of each use again it's a hundred percent natural and organic itdoesn't have any fake stuff in it no artificial flavors or colorings andyou're going to taste the difference it's not like your regular ages so sogive them a shot you really if you love
vaping like like i do try them you oweit to yourself to try virgin vapor e juice this different flavors i recommend because the reallyvery good this one's called organic afterglow very sweet the dripper good very flavorful her sweet flavororganic afterglow the description of all the juices as is on their website youcan find that with the link at the bottom of the video will go to theirdiscounted site where you get all the prices at a discount that's what we'reall about here at virgin vapor or babe lovely virgin vapor dot com is theirdirect site use the link at the bottom of my video for even better savings andbetter deals
virgin vapor e juice delicious you gotta trythem give them a shot you'll be glad you did for a hundred percent organic juiceand e-liquid have a great day