truly an awesome supplier of electronic smokingdevices and e liquids, i couldn't recommend them higher! wicked eliquid makes some of the best e liquidavailable on the planet. they have just about the widest selectionof top quality electronic smoking starter kits and accessories available anywhere. i have personally tried several of their flavorsand i love their menthol flavour e liquid, it is packed with a minty menthol taste thatis just bursting with flavor. i have yet to find a better tasting lineup of tobaccoflavors either than offered in their 'decadent
vapor' uk manufactured eliquids and now theirusa manufactured 'patriot range' e liquids. pharmaceutical grade certified nicotine isused so as to have top quality of ingredients including that of the natural flavors by bothof these e liquid product lines. when i need to order eliquid totally wickedis the first place i go! i use totally wicked eliquid in my 510 titanand now with my absolute favorite electronic smoking device, available exclusively fromtotally wicked, the 'totally wicked tornado'. totally wicked eliquid is a larger company,and one of the earliest major suppliers within the e smoking world. totally wicked has absolutely great customerservice,they have live phone and chat support and
always get back to you with absolutely anyquestion incredibly quickly. they have a presence in both the usa and uk with manufacturingand quality control for eliquid mainly in the uk, although they have now launched ausa manufacturing plant for their 'patriot range' usa made e liquid as well. and us usual from this great company it isan amazing new e-juice line and totally wicked e liquid are just starting to offer the patriotrange eliquid that is made in and for the usa market.
totally wicked-eliquid offers such a completeline of electronic smoking products that a vaping enthusiast will find them to be a great'one stop shop' supplier. if you haven't switched to electronic cigarettesyet, but your considering trying them out for the first time, i highly recommend totallywicked eliquid as the first choice to try out. you won't be disappointed with any of theircarefully selected starter kit packages, but my personal recommendation is definitely togo with either the 'screwdriver mkii' or the amazing new 'totally wicked tornado' electroniccigarette. the screwdriver and the tornado are devicesdesigned to vape eliquid just like any of
the electronic cigarettes but they have muchlarger batteries. enjoy hours of uninterrupted smoking - for hardcore and social users alike! the incredibly popular dse901 and 'mega titan510' as well as the screwdriver mkii and the tornado, simply put they have it all. on top of all the great things totally wickedeliquid has to offer, there is a great new way to save money on everything they sell. 'evape' at either their uk or usa websitewhen checking out and save 7 1/2 % off absolutely everything they sell, on any sized order andbest of all you can use the coupon as many times as you want and it never expires!