hi my name is madeline franco and i am hereto talk about birds, specifically parrots and more specifically than that differentspecies of parrots. there are well over 300 different species of parrots in the world.some are called old world parrots which hale from africa, australia, and points west ofthe united states and others are new world parrots primarily from south and central america.many of the parrots from old word are called cockatoos and you've seen them i'm sure. theyare white in color, many of them, some of them are black and some of them are pink.the pink ones are even known as white cockatoos because anything other than black seems tobe white. the south american birds and central american birds tend to be rather colorful.the african parrots by in large a lot of them
are fairly dull in color such as the africangray and the vosa parrot. many of these are suitable as pets and a lot of them are foundin our culture. this over here is a kiek. this is kiki. she is a kiek. they are fromsouth america. she is a small parrot, very suitable as a pet. she lives to play and playsto live and a very companionable little bird. these are old world parrots from the solomonislands primarily indonesia and this is the male of the eclectus parrot and that is thefemale. these are dimorphic. other birds, the typical parrot is a, the typical parrotthat you see with the long tail is from south american primarily and central america andthey are macaws. this here is a parrot that at one time was indigenous to the westernunited states. they are having a hard time
surviving there though because of the predatorpopulation. they are found in the sierras of mexico and it is called a thick built parrot.you cannot buy one of these. this one was given to me as a gift because i do presentationsat schools and a friend of mine gave me this bird. it is a wonderful little bird but againthey are not available in aviculture because they are restricted. many of the parrots thatwe see today are endangered in their environment, their natural environments but they are bredwidely in aviculture and in many instances aviculture is help keeping those species alive.several of them have actually dwindled to frightening numbers in their natural environmentdue to deforestation and i guess you would call it encroachment by man. but hopefullywe've got some good conservation programs
going and many of them will increase in numbers.we have had great success with the blue throated macaw and some of the other birds that usedto be and still are quite endangered but they are coming around. if you are consideringgetting a parrot, i would suggest that you get a book or do a lot of studying beforeyou make that decision. it is a big decision to have a bird as a pet, a parrot as a pet.they are long lived. it is not uncommon for them to live 30 to 50 years in captivity sothey are a lot of fun. they are very intelligent, long lived and they make great pets but itis a major responsibility when you decide to have one.